Raising a Generation: The Power of Investing in Education

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Carolyn Jess on the American Classroom Podcast, about the importance of philanthropy and investing in education. As the host of American Classroom, I strive to highlight innovative approaches to improving our education system and building a stronger civil society. My conversation with Carolyn was eye-opening and inspiring.
The Decline of Public Education
In the episode, Carolyn and I discussed how critical the K-12 years are in shaping a child's character and future. As Carolyn aptly stated, "If you want to change the future of your country. You change the classroom." I couldn't agree more. The hours children spend in school each day have an enormous influence over who they become. This places a tremendous responsibility on our education system to get it right.

Unfortunately, as Carolyn pointed out, many public schools are failing in this regard: "America is in crisis. And that’s why we need to start to fund schools and philanthropy is the only way to do it because governments have lost their way." I share Carolyn's concern about the decline of public education, which is why I'm so passionate about highlighting alternative models that are achieving amazing results.
The Heritage Academy Success Story
One such model is Heritage Academy, a network of charter schools in Arizona where Carolyn serves as Director of Development. Carolyn discussed specific Heritage schools like Paul Revere Academy that integrate rigorous academics, character development, and technical skills training to set students up for success in work and life. The results speak for themselves. When I asked students about their day at Heritage schools, they responded "Oh my goodness, we got to use the bunsen burners today. We had the exhaust fumes going. And then, so and so turned this type of paper into a blue flame and then another one had the orange flame." You can hear the enthusiasm and engagement - these kids love learning!

Civics and Citizenship at the Core
A key ingredient to Heritage Academy's success is their emphasis on history, civics, and modeling citizenship. As Carolyn explained, "They take what our founding fathers and our founding mothers wanted for our society, for the American people. And they exemplify that behavior and they have it for a full raising of a generation of children." Heritage Academy teaches students to emulate leaders like George Washington who educated himself and devoted his life to the service of others. We discussed how this approach results in students who are grateful for their education, not entitled, and eager to make a positive difference in the world. 

Unfortunately, many public schools have moved away from teaching traditional American values. As Carolyn bluntly stated, "If we want to be able to change what is happening in government. We need to change the leaders of tomorrow. And that means building good character, educated children that know what the founding fathers and the mothers that built our nation, what they wanted in the true essence of the nature of government." I couldn't agree more. A firm grounding in American history, our founding values, and what makes our country unique needs to be at the core of K-12 education.

The Power of Educational Philanthropy
Expanding school choice through charter schools gives families access to an education like Heritage Academy's that reclaims this traditional focus. And that's where philanthropy comes in. As Carolyn stated, "If you want to help solve America’s problems, then let’s start with raising our youth. Let’s raise a generation with outstanding character and amazing education that they owned, just like George Washington." 

But charter schools rely heavily on charitable giving and community partnerships since they don't get full public funding. Carolyn issued an inspiring call to action for companies, foundations, and individuals to invest in raising a generation of future leaders: "I’m asking you to help us raise a generation. What are you going to help with? You’re going to help with learning innovation. We want our kids to say, my day was amazing. I love my school. We want these kids to say, I'm proud to be an American and I’m proud to be like George Washington."

This is the power of educational philanthropy - it fuels schools like Heritage Academy that are actually moving the needle on student outcomes and developing engaged citizens. And donors can make an even bigger impact by providing consistent multi-year support. As Carolyn emphasized, "stay with us. Raise a generation. Sign up for four years, sign up for seven years, sign up for 14 years consistently so that you can help us stop that yoyo funding." 

Long-Term Partnerships for Student Success
Long-term partnerships between schools and donors create stability and enable bigger investments in facilities, technology, and programs. Students thrive when they know their school has this foundation. As Carolyn explained about Heritage Academy, "we have the success formula. It’s proven. We’ve been going for almost 30 years. So I can name that many success stories again and again." The proof is in the results.

Carolyn also highlighted the benefits that come back to donors like naming rights, branding, and establishing a talent pipeline. As we discussed, connecting students with local industries through technical training is a win-win. The region gets a prepared workforce and kids gain in-demand skills and job opportunities. Carolyn summed it up perfectly: "That’s smart business. So I’m saying so. any corporation, mining corporation, trust, foundation, and amazing individuals. Join us, help us raise a generation."

Investing in Our Future
My conversation with Carolyn reinforced to me that education is one of the most powerful and strategic ways we can invest in the future. When done right, it transforms lives and strengthens communities. That's why I'm so committed to spotlighting schools like Heritage Academy that embrace traditional values, academic rigor, technical skills, and civic duty. They represent exactly the kind of education our kids need to fulfill their potential as individuals and citizens. 

If you share this vision, I encourage you to get involved with schools in your community. Ask how you can volunteer, contribute, and forge partnerships. Together, we can raise up the next generation of leaders our nation needs. As Carolyn said, "You’re backing winners. You’re backing a good system." Let's back our kids by backing schools that prepare them for success in work and life. I'm so grateful to Carolyn for joining me on American Classroom and issuing this powerful call to action. If we invest in our youth, we invest in our shared future.

Listen to the correlating episode here. 

Watch the correlating episode here. 


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